Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Our First Trip to the ER

On my first day back in the office after 8 weeks of maternity leave I received a call from His Kids Academy. I assumed they were calling to tell me something about Christian since it was his first day in the nursery. To my surprise, they were calling about Addison. She had an accident and had a gash on her lip and they needed me to come look at it and possibly take her to the doctor for stitches. As if I wasn’t already enough of a emotional wreck from dropping Christian off for his first day away from me, now I had to take Addison to the doctor? I picked her up and proceeded to take her to her doctor’s office. They told me, over the phone, to go ahead and take her to Kosair instead of coming to their office. At that point, I lost it… and did what any emotionally loose mother would do… I called my mommy! Thank God nana was able to get away from work and come with us. We tried to stop by the doctor’s office but they still wouldn’t look at her (a whole other blog is needed for that one) so we went to Kosair Emergency Room. We waited for about 2 hours in the waiting room and about 45 minutes to see the doctor. She got to wear a green gown with a koala on it that she would have loved to take home and wear as pajamas. We listed to music, played games and just laughed to pass the time. Finally we saw the doctor and they decided to just let it heal on its own because putting stitches in would cause more damage than good. She was such a big girl through it all and I was so proud of her. I told her that if she didn’t want mommy to go back to work she could have just told me!

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